Formerly a member of Amanda Waller’s team at Belle Reve, the cool-as-December Harcourt acts as Peacemaker’s handler in the field. A lethal operative herself, she’s got little patience for newbies like Adebayo and even less for a questionable “asset” like Peacemaker. She’s fairly certain that she’s only got this gig because Amanda Waller is punishing her and Economos for their actions helping Task Force X in Corto Maltese.
Throughout the Series[]
Season 1[]
In A Whole New Whirled, Emilia Harcourt, John Economos and Leota target Peacemaker from all sides, weapons brandished. Clemson Murn approaches Chris from inside his trailer. Murn informs Chris that he reports directly to Amanda Waller. Later, Harcourt, Economos and Leota move into their shoddy, makeshift headquarters. Eventually, Chris meets with his new task force team for dinner as agreed upon. Harcourt, Murn, Leota and Economos poke fun at Peacemaker for arriving in full costume with Eagly in the backseat of his car. Afterwards, a lonely Chris follows Harcourt into a local bar. Harcourt lays the smackdown on a few toxic masculine bros and rebuffs Chris’ offer of mindless sex.
In Best Friends, For Never, not wasting any time, Peacemaker quickly calls his teammate Emilia Harcourt for help after he killed the woman who attacked him. Harcourt wakes up Leota and gets her to come along to help Peacemaker, and while they arrive in good time he manages to get the police's attention by sticking his head out of the window of the deceased woman's apartment. Harcourt heads out to assist in his escape and shoots tranquilizer darts at the police, and they manage to get away despite officers Sophie Song and Larry Fitzgibbon shooting at them. While Peacemaker escapes alongside Harcourt, Adebayo and Eagly, John Economos changes Smith's car registration on the order of their team leader Clemson Murn. Peacemaker, Harcourt and Adebayo make it back safely, and the group debrief over the case at hand, though no one wants to explain what a Butterfly is to Smith quite yet.
In Better Goff Dead, Harcourt along with the rest of task force finds out that their current mission includes assassinating a State Senator. While Murn still doesn’t trust Chris enough to tell him what a butterfly actually is, he does expect him and Harcourt to take up position and shoot a man and possibly his wife and children with a sniper rifle. All in the name of peace. Later, when Goff and his family head inside, the pretense of a happy family is dropped and they all walk zombie-like past one of the windows, leading Harcourt to assume that the entire family are butterflies. Unfortunately, they have to wait for a clear shot, which allows time for some minor bonding between Chris and Harcourt, and eventually the arrival of Vigilante, who has been following Chris around. As it turns out, even though everyone thinks he’s ridiculous, Vigilante arrives in the nick of time. As Chris and Harcourt continue to surveil the family, the butterflies in their human bodies pour yellow goo into bowls and then start drinking it through purple suckers that emerge from their mouths. Murn orders Chris to kill them all immediately, but he can’t bring himself to shoot the kids, so Vigilante takes over and cheerily shoots all of them except Goff himself. But before he can take that shot he’s interrupted by Judomaster. He easily takes out Harcourt, Vigilante, and Peacemaker by himself. The latter two are taken inside by Judomaster and Goff, while Harcourt, is unconscious nearby, is accosted by another of Goff’s bodyguards. Leota interrupts them, but she can’t pull the trigger, so Harcourt does so instead.While Vigilante and Peacemaker are being held captive in the basement, Murn, Leota, and Harcourt try to find them. The trio takes a brief tour through the house where Goff’s family is still laying dead on the floor.
In The Choad Less Traveled, As the special taskforce is returning home from the Goff mission, Vigilante complains incessantly about potentially losing his pinky toe. He tells the group that he needs it for balance. Harcourt and Leota for their part try to dispute this. Back at their headquarters, Murn delegates tasks; ordering Leota and Harcourt to search important files. Meanwhile, Leota and Harcourt commence their assignment, and Leota apologizes again for not shooting Goff’s guard. Harcourt firmly reminds her she needs a stronger stomach in this business. Later, Chris meets Harcourt at the local pub to ask her about his file. She divulges how it dictates his father’s abusive behavior. Moreover, that White Dragon trained his sons to kill at a young age and that Chris' brother died under mysterious circumstances, but is thought that Chris was likely involvemed with his brother’s death. Harcourt then breaks Vigilante out of prison and picks him up. He slides into the passenger seat, formally introduces himself and emotionally informs Harcourt that he “messed up.”
In Monkey Dory, Vigilante and Emilia head in the back and realize there are thousands of boxes for the alien food. They suddenly come to the realization that this operation is far bigger than they thought. Unfortunately, they’re spotted and the Butterflies mobilize, dozens of them in human hosts that screech and throw themselves at the pair.
In Murn After Reading, Emilia confronts Leota about the diary she planted on Peacemaker. Eventually, Murn implores the pair to stop bickering and collect their gear. Back at the apartment, Emilia and Leota manage to evade the police, who show up and find Murn. After killing him, and the Butterfly inside him, they’re left alone to carry out this operation. Only, Judo Master suddenly enters, leading to a big fight between him and Emilia. He takes his eyes off Leota though, who manages to take him out with a taser. With Emilia now leading the charge, she briefs the team and warns them that this isn’t going to be an easy task. With Goff and the rest of the gang mobilizing at the Ranch, Emilia and the motley band of misfits all join together and prepare for the final fight.
In It's Cow or Never, Harcourt bears witness to Peacemaker’s interaction with a hallucination of his father. Later, Peacemaker, Harcourt and Vigilante arm themselves for a showdown with the butterflies. Harcourt urges Peacemaker to find the cow while she and Vigilante fend off the butterflies topside. Unfortunately, he slips on debris and falls to the barn’s lower level, with said debris burying him. Leota watches Harcourt fall and decides to barrel headfirst into the action. Economos follows suit, but he trips over a wooden fence and injures his leg severely. Leota then notices a butterfly attempting to gain access to Harcourt but she quickly pulls the alien out in time. Harcourt then tells Leota to assist Chris with the cow situation. Leota puts on Peacemaker’s helmet that morphs the wearer into a human torpedo. After some time, Chris and Leota emerge from the barn wreckage to find Vigilante alive and Economos sitting with Harcourt. It looks like Harcourt might be dead, but Chris cradles her in his arms, and the gang takes her to a hospital. While at the hospital, the staff wheels Harcourt and Economos away. Sometime after, Harcourt makes progress with her physical therapy.
Season 2[]
Coming soon
Physical Appearance[]
- On January 14, 2022, Jenniffer Holland also went onto mention that the car scene with Emilia Harcourt and Leota Adebayo was the first time that she and Danielle Brooks worked together in the series.[1]
- On January 15,2022, Holland also mentioned that after filming wrapped for The Suicide Squad, “I didn’t think I was going to play that character again,” Holland tells The Hollywood Reporter. “I just thought I got to do this cool role in his huge movie and have fun with him [Gunn] for a couple of weeks”. So admitedly, it was a bit surreal 11 months later when Holland found herself once again playing Harcourt, this time for a post-credits tag that would lead directly into the Peacemaker (TV series). That post-credits scene, shot in January 2021 on the Vancouver set of Peacemaker, was the opening salvo in six months of shooting for the team.[2]
- On January 22, 2022, Holland in regards to her character said that, “I had a bit of a challenge trying to meld who Harcourt was in The Suicide Squad into who she was in the series because she’s a very different person than she was in Suicide Squad, I think because James wrote the character as Comms Tech 2, or something like that. She was just a comms hub tech who became sort of a more important character as he was writing The Suicide Squad, and at some point he was like, ‘I’m gonna give her a name from the comics so that when the fans watch the credits they go, oh my gosh, that was Emilia Harcourt! And they have something to be excited about, and it’s a little bit of an Easter egg.’ It was basically why he gave me the name Emilia Harcourt. So my character, when he was writing me in the movie, didn’t really have that much to do with Emilia Harcourt from the comics or anything that was going to be who she is in the series, so she’s a bit different in the film in that she is not as strong of a person as she is in the series”.[3]